goldsw.txt We were walking on a beach in the afternoon. There was a warm breeze and a mild surf. You wear wearing a light pair of white cotton pants with heavy, ribbed cotton panties, and a shirt tied at the waist. I had on a pair of cotton underwear that looked exactly like a light blue bikini bathing suit, and a t-shirt. There were a fair amount of people on the beach, but it wasn't intrusive, and the breeze was blowing through our hair and molding our clothing to our bodies. I had already told her what I wanted. I told her as I was sliding my tongue in her mouth and kissing her earlier. Now, with couples not 20 feet from us, she looked at me and smiled. She knew what I wanted. She faced the beach, with the water to her back, and the sun silhouetting her form. I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her so that my hands came together lightly on her pussy. She was a little embarrassed, but she knew she couldn't refuse. I felt her make herself relax, and after a short moment she murmured a soft "mmmmmm". I could feel the warmth before anything else, and a slight swelling in her panties. They gently ballooned out with the weight and pressure of the sweet liquid that was pouring into them. It was almost as if, for a moment, they couldn't hold the enormous quantity that soaked her pubic hair, an seeped up the crack of her ass. But that would have meant that she'd have had to pull back and stop, and it was just too late for that. She'd completely let go, and as she continued to gently pee on herself, the heavy fabric of her panties soaked through, and the stream now poured from directly between her legs, drenching her inner thighs, not to mention the thin cotton of her pants. My hands now pressed in on her crotch, and forced the sides of her panties to spill there contents further so that my hands were wet with her, and the stain spreading and soaking on her pants was unmistakable. Even in the sun's bleaching light one could still see a slight yellowness to it. I massaged her clit as I pressed the pee out of her panties, and she came as the last of it was released. We started to again walk. Our feet were caressed by the waves. There were wet people everywhere, but she was special. Her feet were wet. Even her ankles were wet. But from her calves to her knees she was dry. We knew people were thinking, "Doesn't it look like that woman pee'd in her pants??? Oh, my God, I bet she did!". She feels the warm wetness soak her as we walk to an outcropping of rocks. Once there, she again knew what to do. She got on her knees in front of me, and pressed her face to my crotch. I asked her if she was ready, and instead of answering, she blew warm air through my suit, onto my cock. It stirred slightly. Looking into her eyes, I began to release into my suit, and with my hand on the back of her head, I pressed her face into the rapidly soaking material. Her cheeks, nose and lips were wet with my pee. I then stopped for a moment, pulled her face away, and lowered my suit, so that my wet crotch was exposed to the air. "Start playing with yourself sweetheart." I commanded. She slid her hand down to her sopping pussy, and played with her clit. I tilted her head back, and with that, her mouth was open. I lifted my penis to within inches of her mouth, sighed, and started to again piss, now hitting the roof of her mouth, and filling it until, like a fountain base, it overflowed and poured down her chin, splashing on the same hand that was bringing her over the edge to an orgasm. She then closed her mouth over my streaming cock until I finished. After which, with my warm pee still in her mouth, she made me hard, and pumped me with her hand until my come shot out and mixed in her mouth. I made her hold it for a moment, then let her dribble it out onto her chest, so that the walk back to the car would bring more questioning stares her way.